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opsi terapi keracunan sianida dan mekanismenya

Sebuah rangkuman terkait dengan opsi terapi keracunan sianida dan mekanismenya. 1 Hydroxo-cobalamine Digunakan pada kondisi akut. Khususnya pada px dgn Co-existing CO-poisoning. Alternatif lain: 2 Cyanide Antidote kit: - Sodium nitrite 300 mg ampule - Sodium thiosulfate 12.5 g ampule Dosing: Sodium nitrite: DWS: 10 mg/kg given IV for 3 to 5 minutes PED: 0.2 mL/kg, not to exceed 10 mL Sodium thiosulfate: DWS: 12.5 grams in 50 mL, given intravenously for 30 minutes PED: 7 g/m2 and not to exceed 12.5 grams Source:!po=18.0556 Mekanisme: Sodium thiosulfate: The major route of detoxification of cyanide in the body is conversion to thiocyanate.  This reaction requires a source of sulfane sulfur (divalent sulfur bonded to another sulfur) and is catalysed by sulfur transferases (e.g. Rhodanese) Na2S2O3 ...

ankitag list

ANB Antibiotik ANV Antiviral ANP Antiparasit ANF Antijamur FIN Farmakoterapi Infeksi KAR Kardiologi HEM Hematologi END Endokrinologi GET Gastroenterologi (Sistem Pencernaan) OBG Obgyn NEU Neurologi PSI Psikiatri RES Respiratologi PAI Pain management OST Osteologi & Arthrologi OPH Oftalmologi THT Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan ONK Onkologi IMU Imunologi NEF Nefrologi FKD Fkin - Fdin - Interaksi Obat - Toksikologi TFA Teknologi Farmasi (Evaluasi, dll) SOL Solid LIQ Liquid SEM Semisolid STE Sterol KAM kimia analisis modern KAK kimia analisis konvens FIT fitokimia UBE uji bioekivalensi DIS Compounding & Dispensing MAN Manajemen perbekalan farmasi FEK Farmakoekonomi REG Regulasi & Etika FRS Farmasi Rumah Sakit FKO Farmasi Komunitas FID Farmasi Industri  

pharmacutical/health sciences relearn prompt

ini adalah urutan relearn-prompts yang aku buat dalam timeline bulanan, untuk setiap topiknya. aku adalah orang yang ingin selalu mengingat kembali hal yang telah aku pelajari sebelumnya, jadi, membuat dan menunaikan relearn prompt adalah hal yang sangat penting . Sterile Formulations Semisolid & Liquid Formulations Solid Formulations Physical Pharmacy Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry Microbiology - Ph-Biotechnology Phytochemistry & Phytotherapy Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry Botany & Pharmacognosy Pharmacokinetics & Biopharmaceutics - Therapy Monitoring Pharmacotherapy & Patophysiology - Clinical Data Interpretation Physiology - Pharmacology ..

Daftar Buku yang Mau Aku Baca

Writing: Writing Well (William Zinsser) Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer Psychology: Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? Dr. Julie Smith The Body Keeps The Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) Burnout — (Emily Nagoski Ph.D) Quiet (Susan Cain) GRIT Kamu! (Prof. Angela Duckworth) Think Again (Prof. Adam Grant) Business & Personal Finance: I Will Teach You To Be Rich (Ramit Sethi) The Third Door (Alex Banayan) Visual Finance: The One Page Visual Model to Understand Financial Statements and Make Better Business Decisions Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy What Color Is Your Parachute? 2022: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success E-Myth Mastery: The Seven Essential Disciplines ...

Book Takeaway: Essential Math for Data Science by Thomas Nield

aku menyebutnya "takeaway", tapi ini sebenernya catatan pribadi doang, histori kapan aku belajar dan  chapter yang aku pelajari. dah gitu aja. 10-10 Finishing Ch 1 Basic Math and Calculus Review Essential Math for Data Science.pdf 10-14 Finishing Ch 4 Linear Algebra Essential Math for Data Science.pdf 10-17 Continuing Ch 5 Linear Regression Essential Math for Data Science.pdf

belajar python di w3school

Here I documented my journey on learning python programming in W3School in late August 2024.

Book Takeaway: Pharmaceutical Statistics Practical and Clinical Applications

1. Basic Definitions and Concepts 2. Data Graphics 3. Introduction to Probability: The Binomial and Normal Probability Distributions 4. Choosing Samples 5. Statistical Inference: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 6. Sample Size and Power 7. Linear Regression and Correlation 8. Analysis of Variance 9. Factorial Designs** 10. Transformations and Outliers 11. Experimental Design in Clinical Trials 12. Quality Control 13. Validation 14. Computer Intensive Methods 15. Nonparametric Methods 16. Optimization Techniques and Screening Designs**

My Shared Learning Page in Notion (Updated Daily)

Aku membuat halaman notion  untuk mengorganisasi progres belajar harian aku lakukan. Beberapa dari halaman tersebut terbuka untuk publik. Semoga bermanfaat. 1. Economy ( ongoing ) References: The The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained (2012) Economics for Dummies 3rd Ed (2018) 2. Psychology ( coming soon ) 3.